
Nick Tinch – Real Estate for Beginners

$997 $29


The Trap of Real Estate Freebies

Every time you see one of these quick start guides, you get excited. You think that maybe this is the one that’s going to finally allow you to get your first property under your belt. You start to imagine what life will be like once you finally close your first deal. And you can’t wait to dive in.

So what happens? Nothing. You might see a little progress, such as getting some research done and you might even contact an agent or connect with some investors. But eventually you end up right back where you started. And you’re disappointed, again.

Sound familiar? I bet it does.

Listen, if you’ve ever felt like this, let me just reassure you that you’re not the only one. And let me also tell you that it’s not your fault if you’ve started over a time or two hoping to get it right the next time.

You see, the reason why you can’t seem to make any real progress is because there’s so much fluff out there that when it comes to the rubber hitting the road, you’re still stuck with missing information. I mean think about it: how many commercials and seminars have you been invited to for wholesaling real estate. After all…

If it were really that easy, we’d all be millionaires…

Ahh, to be so lucky.

But you weren’t born with butt loads of money to dump into properties. You don’t have perfect credit. You probably don’t even have
an idea of how to rehab a property.

So it’s no wonder that the easy to come by how to guides and tutorials didn’t give you the result you wanted. It’s no wonder that everyone else makes it look so easy, while you struggle to take even the first few actionable steps.

Until now, that is!

Introducing a New Kind of Course

Real Estate Investing for Beginners

That’s right, now you too can begin investing in real estate, even if you’re not a real estate agent. Even if you don’t have great credit. Even if you don’t have a lot of money to get started!

It seems a little hard to believe, doesn’t it? After all, you’ve tried to start investing in real estate before, but you’re not really any better off than before. So it feels like too much to hope for to believe that this hybrid course really could be the solution to making real progress with this type of investment.

But this course is unlike any you’ve ever tried before. That’s because you’ll have access to an investor and business owner that’s been doing this for almost 20 years. And in just minutes from now you’ll:

  • Discover the ultimate secret of borrowing money based on the opportunity you find– you simply can’t fail once you know this! ​
  • A surefire way to flip your fixer upper within 8 weeks.
  • Plus you’ll even get the inside scoop to running your investments like a business, quicker and easier than you ever thought possible! ​

I know, these sound like bold claims. But I’ve used these strategies to sucessfully invest in real estate for the last 20 years. I’ve shared these same strategies with countless other ambitious investors so that they could complete their projects and make more money. And I know these little-known real estate secrets will work for you too.

Now it’s your turn to get results…​

Are YOU Ready to Really Get Started?

Here’s a sneak peek at what you get when you order now:

  • You’ll find out a deceptively simple way to borrow money from multiple sources!​
  • You’ll discover what emotional intelligence has to do with you getting better opportunities!​
  • WARNING: Don’t even think of fixing and flipping until you learn how improper planning can sabotage your profit margins! ​
  • How to quickly and easily get funding for your projects, without relying on your own credit score! ​
  • You’ll discover what the real estate insiders know about cost vs value! ​
  • You’ll find out how to avoid spending money on the wrong things – never again will you sacrifice cost for value! ​
  • You’ll learn a simple 5-step strategy for getting a project fixed and flipped and ready for market – it’s easier than you think! ​
  • You’ll get a surefire strategy for scheduling out your contractors – you’re gonna love this! ​
  • And much, much more. By the time you’re finished listening to and applying Real Estate for Beginners, you’ll know everything you need to know about getting results while investing in real estate – guaranteed! ​

Here’s What’s Included…

Module 1: Mindset

  • You’ll find out a deceptively simple way to decide if an opportunity is a no or a go!​
  • You’ll discover what emotional intelligence has to do with you improving your success rate!​
  • How to get the money you need for your investments, without the high risk of debt and loss!

Module 2: Strategy

  • You’ll learn how to build a team that will keep you on time and on budget.
  • You’ll discover what building a real estate business has to do with you getting more contracts and establishing a legacy!​
  • You’ll get inside information on how you can diversify your real estate portfolio for a balance of safety and risk.

Module 3: Funding

  • You’ll find out how you can borrow money regardless of your credit score.
  • You’ll discover how to properly fund a project without getting overwhelmed in the details!​
  • You’ll learn how to make sure the money goes to the right people at the right time.

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